I'm so bad a blogging! Sorry guys for the lack of updates. I'm in Palm Springs and I thought I'd get here and fill you in on my week in LA (Internet was excruciatingly slow at my last hostel). I can't really seem to get that done though. I think I'd need to be prompted by pictures but I can't get them onto my computer. There's a massive obstacle preventing that, I don't have the lead from the camera.
Actually I barely have anything with me now. Yesterday I was to travel from Hollywood to Palm Springs by greyhound bus. I needed to transfer buses at LA station but no one told me. The guy who sold me the ticket on Sunday didn't tell me, neither did the guy I checked in with at Hollywood and neither did the guys who checked my ticket again when the bus was leaving LA (on the way to San Diego).
So I ended up in San Diego but my luggage was taken off the bus probably at LA. No one knows if my bag was put on another bus and sent to Palm Springs or if it stayed at LA. If it was put on the bus I was supposed to be on it wouldn't have been taken off the bus at Palm Springs because there's no station there, just a stop (the closest station is 21 miles from here) so It might have gone back to LA or somewhere else.
I'd had a pretty light sleep the night before so I was actually asleep for much of my bus ride, I remember waking up and seeing the ocean out the window and thinking it was odd because I was going inland, but I figured it was a thorough route. I was pretty freaked out when I got to San Diego, the first person I spoke to was really short with me and unsympathetic but then I spoke to someone else who was a bit more useful, tried to make some calls me but didn't really get anywhere, it was a public holiday and the stations all shut at 3pm.
I needed to get on a bus to Palm Springs, it was the last one. I had to transfer and wait at a closed station for an hour and it was well after 9 before I actually got here. I'm staying in a hotel rather than a hostel here. I wanted to come here to do some hiking and check out the surrounding parks and scenery, like Joshua Tree. I'm glad to have my own space at the moment. I have air conditioning and there's a pool.
Today I had to go out to stock up on essentials. My insurance covers delayed luggage so I could get a few things like new underwear and toiletries. I also got myself and unessential bikini and six pack of beer. It took me ages to get all this stuff sorted travelling around the town by bus. This afternoon I'll try to find something to do tomorrow I can do wearing thongs, have a swim and a beer or two. At this stage there's nothing else I can do about getting my luggage back.
I feel very helpless and alone.
Oh Al, that's terrible, hope you get it sorted soon. Have you heard anything?? Hang in there... Mxx