About me...

Novice sewer, novice surfer, novice traveller...

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Come on Doc, you must be kidding

As I embark on what will be a major milestone in my life another milestone has come my way.  My very first broken bone.  I can hardly believe it actually, I was once hit by a car and then run over by the very same car, no broken bones.  I have fallen off ladders and down steps and genearlly been one of the most accident prone folks gettin' 'round, but never a broken bone.

Unfortunately my fracture won't fulfill anyones childhood dream of a plaster cast for friends to scribble on and won't get me out of writing any school work.  It's just a volar 2mm avulsion fracture arising from the base of the middle phalax of the 5th finger.  It's like a shard of bone that has busted off from the pressure of my finger being bent too far against something hard.  It's totes sore, and black, and swollen.

For those who haven't made the assumption yet I did it surfing.  I was wiped out and was all tumbled around and the like and when I came up my pinky finger was a bit sore.  I'm generally a wuss when it comes to minor injuries so even though it was painfull I figured it was nothing serious and perservered with a mediocre surf session for a while.  It was a bit swollen and it hurt to paddle so I decided to call it a day.

I had to go to the docs to have a particularly stubborn rose thorn removed from another finger and she said I need to have an xray.  Whatever, I thought, I'll do it because I'm going away in a few days and I don't want to find out when I'm in America that I need to have it treated.

I really didn't think it would be anything other that a sprain, I could move it about a bit and it was black and swollen but not excessively so.  It's streadily been getting blacker and more swollen as the days gone on so I guess it must be true.  The news isn't all bad, apparently it'll only be really sore for a couple of weeks and I might be able to surf with it if I have it taped to the next finger.  At this stage I'm pretty organised except for packing and I've finished work so I'm happy to roll with the punches and remind myself that I am a free woman.

1 comment:

  1. Oh No! I hope it heals quickly and doesn't affect your Californian surfing plans.
